Corporate Strategy

Setanta Capital generally works with companies in transition. The strategic challenges facing our clients are often reflected in poor profitability, declining market share or a lack of capital for investment. Our goal is to quickly and clearly identify these issues for Management and work with them to develop a plan to turn around the company.

The process starts with an analysis of the company’s current situation. This involves a top level review of its operations – manufacturing, product lines, marketing, distribution, finance – and understanding both the fixed cost base and the operating margins within the business. The outcome should be a clear understanding of the main business levers within the company.

Next we review the marketplace – competitors, customers and intermediaries - to develop an understanding of the customers’ needs in the market and how these needs are currently being satisfied. Customer feedback is critical in developing the future positioning of the company. Market trends are also identified to highlight potential threats and opportunities facing the business.

We then commence the development of a strategic plan to position the company for future profitability and growth. The existing cost base is rigorously reviewed and any areas for cost savings identified. The profitability of product lines is examined and may lead to the the development of new product lines or disposal of existing ones. The identification of strategic partnerships may be relevant. The development of a new channel to market may be required. The acquisition of a competitor or a company up or down the value chain could also form part of a renewal plan.

Once the plan is agreed, the last phase is to examine the organization structure, and identify the skills and competencies of the management and staff needed to implement the plan. How the plan is communicated throughout the organization is also very important, to ensure buy-in and support from all levels within the organization.

We work closely with existing management, by providing the resources to undertake the analysis, understand the issues, identify the opportunities and drive change through the organization.